Why Register today?

  1. View our prospectus

Above you will see our prospectus, this has information about our values. our premises and rates. Have a read, and if you have any questions do let us know. Our phone lines are open from 9-6pm weekdays. Our phone number is 0117 403 9993

2. Book a viewing

Seen our prospectus and would like to know more? Book a viewing simply complete the enquiry form below. A member of the team will be in touch to book a time that suits you. On the viewing you’ll get a chance to meet our team, see our chef in action and ask any questions you may have.

3. Register your child

Have you viewed our nursery and think your child would have bundles of fun here? Amazing! To register, chat with our team, you will receive a registration form and pay a £65 non-refundable deposit. After registration you will be onboarded onto our app and ready to start some settling-in sessions!